Obligations and Disclaimer on Online Trading

  1. Online communication
    1. When you communicate with Noudeal.com by electronic communication provided or as may be directed on this website, you consent to receiving responses to your communications by electronic communication addressed to you by Noudeal.com.
    2. You thereby agree that all electronic agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications sent by Noudeal.com satisfy any legal requirement that such communications should be in writing. You accept the risks inherent in electronic communication in whatever form.
    3. You consent to Noudeal.com acting on the information communicated to Noudeal.com electronically. You are responsible to ensure that Noudeal.com has received the information communicated electronically. You acknowledge and consent that Noudeal.com, in its discretion, may retain and store your electronic communications as may be lawfully required.
  2. Mobile Access and Use
    1. You may access the Noudeal.com website using a mobile device (including a mobile telephone). The Terms of Use apply with equal force and effect regardless of the manner of your access and browsing of the website. You agree to have read and agreed to the Terms of Use document available on the website.
  3. Secure Payment System
    1. If any payments are to be made by you to Noudeal.com, you will be required to use a payment system used by Noudeal.com. Noudeal.com shall only use a payment system that is sufficiently secure considering nature of the payment to be made and the risk inherent in making the payment electronically. Noudeal.com excludes liability for any damages that may be suffered to you due to a failure in a payment system authorised by any money-lending institution or banking institution.
    2. Each banking institution has its own payment or online trading system and Noudeal.com does not guarantee the effectiveness or workability of the different online systems of the banking institutions. Should there be any issue with the payment or banking system of any of the banking institutions, Noudeal.com shall not be held responsible for any such issues or discrepancies.
  4. Legal Obligations
    1. The Electronic Transaction Act 2000 (the “Act”) provides for an appropriate legal framework to facilitate electronic transactions and communications by regulating electronic records and electronic signatures and the security thereof. Noudeal.com undertakes to be bound by the Act so far as is applicable to the line of business exploited by Noudeal.com. Noudeal.com shall not be subject to any civil or criminal liability in respect of third-party material in the form of an electronic record to which it merely provides access where such liability is limited to:
      (a) the making, publication, dissemination or distribution of such materials or any statement made in such material; or
      (b) the infringement of any right subsisting in or in relation to such material.
    2. Noudeal does not and is not involved as a Money-lending institution under the Moneylenders Act 1959, as repealed and replaced by the the Economic and Financial Measures (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2013.
    3. By registering with us and making any purchase on our website (https://www.noudeal.com), you consent to us collecting, recording and processing your personal data to process your orders, improve our service to you and to inform you of promotions and special offers. All data is collected lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2004. The data will not be shared with any third parties, unless passing on your details is necessary to ensure the products you ordered, booked or purchased gets to you or the intended recipient. If you have any further queries in relation to our Data Protection and Privacy Policy, please contact our Customer Service Care department on info@noudeal.mu.
  5. Warranties Provided by you
    For all purposes, and in particular for purposes of paragraph 4 above, you confirm:
    (a) Your identity (that is, you are who you say you are), and that you can prove your identity should Noudeal.com requires you to do so;
    (b) That all information you provide at any time to Noudeal.com when using the Noudeal.com website, in writing, or to Noudeal.com’s personnel, will in all respect be true, current, complete, and accurate;
    (c) That you will provide to Noudeal.com all material and relevant facts required by Noudeal.com as may be appropriate to any dealings you have with Noudeal.com. If you do not provide the necessary information, or you provide information that is incorrect or untrue, Noudeal.com reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel and terminate its agreement with you or any transaction arising from your dealings with Noudeal.com.